
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cream cheese & Chives Biscuit Cubes

Sweet? Savory?
Which do you like???
That is savory baking. 

Butter and cream cheese make it very rich taste with crisp crust and soft texture.

Cream cheese taste. Green color from Chives.
One bite size. Suit as snacks with wine, beer... drinks!!

Cream Cheese & Chives Biscuits
250g Plain flour
1 Teaspoon of Baking powder
1 Table spoon of  Sugar
1 Tea spoon of Salt
2 Table spoon of Dried Chives
80g Butter (cut into dice and keep it icy)
80g Cream cheese(cut into dice and keep it icy)
1 Egg(beaten) + Milk = 130cc

1, In a mixing bowl, sift together flour, baking powder. Then add sugar and salt, dried chives and stir them with whisk. 
2, Cut the butter and cream cheese into the dry ingredients until mixture resembles coarse crumble with your fingertips. 

3, Add the egg and milk liquid and stir until just combined. The texture is sticky, moist and lumpy.
4, On the floured counter, knead the dough gently. Wrap the dough with plastic wrap and place it into the fridge for 1 hour.

5, Meanwhile, preheat the oven at 190℃. Knead the dough briefly onto the floured counter . Dont knead too much!! Make it about 25 x 30 cm square with rolling pin. Fold it up  with 3 layers.
6, Make it about 20cm x 25 cm square with rolling pin, fold it up with 3 layers as well. 
7, Make it about 20cm x 25 cm square,  then cut into 20 pieces. 

8, Bake them at 180℃ for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Grissini is the perfect party food.

It is a kind of Italian bread.
Crunchy, savory and you can pick up with your finger!

Choose your favorite flavor....plain, sesame, pepper, cream cheese, herbs....
Also dip olive oil, sour cream, basil paste...

I made Black Pepper Grissini for a party. 
Spicy and Crunchy... have some beer with it!! 

150g High grade flour
150g Plain flour
1 Table spoon of Sugar
1 Tea Spoon of Salt
1 Tea spoon of instant Yeast
185cc Water
1 Table spoon of Olive oil

Black pepper (coarse ground ) or Your favorite topping

1. Combine flours, sugar, salt, yeast, and water in a bowl. Mix with your finger  to roughly combine the ingredients.
2. Place the dough onto the floured counter, then knead it for 10 minutes till it becomes smooth and elastic.  
3. Put the dough into a bowl with cover, place it warm place (35℃) till it becomes double size (about 1 hours).
4. Pour the dough onto floured counter, then deflate it, knead briefly. Divide the dough into 2 pieces, them make rough balls.
5. Set the dough with cover for 15 minutes.
6. On a floured counter, spread the dough into  rectangles 20 x 25cm with a rolling pin.
7. Brush the dough with olive oil and sprinkle black pepper (or  your favorite topping).
8. With a pizza cutter or chef’s knife, cut the each dough into15.
9. Line a baking sheet onto baking tray. 
10. Pick up each strip of dough at the ends and gently stretch it to the length of the baking sheet. All 15 grissini should just fit on a baking tray.

11.  Place it into warm place with spray water, rise them for 30 minutes.
12. Meanwhile preheat a oven at 190℃. 
13. Bake them at 180℃ for 20minutes or untill well brown and crisp.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Petit Corn Pain

 Sweet, sweet corn!!
Petit pain = Small size bread and yellow dots....Looks so cute!!

Corn flavor.... Because it uses tin whole kernel corn and also that tin corn juice.  
Dont throw it away! Corn juice makes nice taste.
Natural sweet from sweet corn & honey.

Elastic texture from sour dough polish.

Good with main dishes, soup, for kids!!

Petit Corn Pain
50g High Grade Flour
50g Water
Pinch of instant Yeast

Mix the polish ingredients in a container, place it into room temperature for 12 hours.

300g High Grade Flour
1 Tea spoon of Honey
1 Teaspoon of Salt
1 Tea spoon of Instant yeast
200cc Corn juice from tin + Water(if you need)
1 Tablespoon of Oil
100g Corn(tin whole kernel)

1. Dry corn off with paper towel.
2.Mix flours and honey, salt, polish, yeast, water into a bowl with your finger till it becomes hard to mix.

 3. Place the dough onto the floured counter, then knead it for 8 minutes. Then put oil into the dough, knead it another 5 minutes till it becomes smooth and elastic.
4.Spread the dough, put corn onto it, knead it briefly till corn are just evenly incorporated into the dough.
Dont knead too much, otherwise corn kernel might be crushed. 
If  the dough gets sticky, add extra flour on it.

5. Put the dough into a bowl with cover, place it warm place (35℃) till it becomes double size (about 1.5 - 2 hours).
6. Pour the dough onto floured counter, then deflate it, knead briefly. Divide into 8 pieces. Shape them rough balls.

7. Set the dough with cover for 15 minutes.
8.Reshape them into final balls. 
9. Place it into warm place with spray water, rise them for 30 minutes.
10.Meanwhile preheat the oven at 200℃.
11. Score slant lines on the dough with sharp knife. Spray water.
12. Put the dough into the oven with steam for 15 minutes at 190℃. Then bake it at 180℃ for 10 minutes.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Choco Co Co Ring

What kind of chocolate do you like??

Milk chocolate? White chocolate? Dark one? Caramel one? Almond, macadamia nuts, crunchy...Lots of kind of chocolate!! It is difficult to choose only one.

I love dark chocolate. Especially high contain cocoa. Cocoa 70% !!! Bitter, intensity...bit sweet.

That is cocoa bread. Dark color by cocoa powder.

I made two kinds of chocolate rolls - 70% cocoa Ghana & Dark Orange Peel.
Ghana... bitter taste, Dark Orange... bitter and bit sweet  because of orange peels.

Put your favorite chocolate to make your own flavor.

Choco Co Co Ring

300g High grade flour
3 Table spoon of Cocoa(pure) powder
2 Table spoon of Sugar
1/2 Tea spoon of Salt
1 Tea spoon of instant Yeast
195cc Water (warm)
1 Table spoon of oil
Your Favorite Chocolate 60g (chopped)

1. Mix flours and sugar, salt, yeast, water into a bowl with your finger till it becomes hard to mix.
2.Place the dough into the floured counter, then knead it for 8 minutes. Then put oil into the dough, knead it another 5 minutes till it becomes smooth and elastic.
3. Spread the dough, put chopped chocolate onto it, knead it briefly till chocolate chips are just evenly incorporated into the dough.
4. Put the dough into a bowl with cover, place it warm place (35℃) till it becomes double size (about 1 hour).
5. Place the bowl into room temperature for 10 minutes, otherwise chocolate chip is melting because of proofing temperature.
6.Pour the dough onto floured counter, then deflate it, knead briefly. Divide into 6 pieces. Shape them rough balls.
7. Set the dough with cover for 20 minutes.
8.Reshape them into balls. 
   See the photo how to shape them!!
①Press them briefly to make shape.

8. Place it into warm place with spray water, rise them for 40 minutes.

9.Meanwhile preheat the oven at 220℃.

10. Put the dough into the oven with steam for 10 minutes at 190℃. Then bake it at 180℃ for 15 minutes.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rye Raisin Loaf

I love rye bread rather than any other sweet bread.
Rye taste sour and dark heavy, chewy.
This is my special bread. I put raisin, cinnamon and molasses to make it dark and nice aroma.

Cinnamon aroma makes me hungry, molasses and raisins make it natural sweet.

Use a basket to make a nice shape.

Rye Raisins Loaf
Rye polish                             
100g Rye flour                                 
80cc Water                                              
Pinch of instant Yeast                              
Make Rye polish
Mix all ingredients into a container, place it in room temperature for 12hour. Then put it into the fridge 3 days.
240g White flour
60g Rye flour
1 Table spoon of Molasses
1 Tea spoon of Salt
1 Tea spoon of instant Yeast
Rye polish
201 g Water
1 Table spoon of oil
120g Raisin

1. Mix flours and yeast,rye polish, molasses, salt, water into a bowl with your finger till it becomes hard to mix. 

2.Place the dough into the floured counter, then knead it for 8 minutes. And add butter, knead it another 4 minutes till it becomes smooth and elastic.
3. Spread the dough, put raisins on it, knead the dough briefly till raisins are just evenly incorporated into the dough.

4. Put the dough into a bowl with cover, place it warm place (35℃) till it becomes double size (about 1 hour).
5. Pour the dough onto floured counter, then deflate it, knead briefly. Shape it a big rough ball.
6. Set the dough with cover for 20 minutes.

7.Shape into final loaf, make it oval ball. Sprinkle enough flour onto a basket. Put the dough into the floured basket.
Put it nice side to bottom, ugly side to up .
8. Place it into warm place with spray water, rise it for 1 hour. Preheat the oven at 230℃.

9. Put the dough onto a baking tray with up side down the basket.
See the photo, you can see basket trace on the dough.

10. Score slant lines on the dough with sharp knife. Spray water.

11. Put the dough into the oven with steam for 10 minutes at 230℃. Then bake it at 200℃ for 20 minutes without steam.