
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Custard twist

I got a recipe request from Singapore. She was interested in chocolate twist and custard twist which I made them for Japan Festival on 9st September. I put the picture on the blog, here. 
Yeah, they were popular and sold out quickly at the event.
Before I made Pumpkin chocolate roll. It is quite similar recipe with chocolate twist.  I put how to make chocolate sheet again. Here, I use micro wave instead of using a saucepan and the stove.  
And I put how to make Custard twist, so you can make both custard version and chocolate version as well . 

Chocolate Sheet
★15g High grade flour
★5g Corn starch
★10g Cocoa powder
★30g Sugar
60cc Milk
70g Dark Chocolate (chopped)
1 Egg white
10g Butter(unsalted)

1. In a microwave safe bowl, sift ★ingredients and combine well.
2. Add milk and stir with whipper well.
3. Add chocolate. Without cover, heat it at 700w for 1 minute 30 seconds. Chocolate is getting melt, stir and combine well with the whipper.
4. Add egg white and combine well. (At first stage, it might be hard to combine. But just keep stir with whipper. it becomes like liquid.)
5. Heat it at 700w for 1 minute without cover,  and stir well.
6. Heat it at 700w for 2 minutes. Stir with a spatula. It becomes a dough gradually. If it is too soft, heat it up more. Add butter and combine well.
7. Place it on the plastic wrap and cover with another plastic wrap. Roll it 18cm x 30cm, put it into the fridge. 

Custard Sheet 
 ☆20gHigh grade flour
☆5g Corn starch
☆60g Sugar
100g Milk
1 Egg yolk
1 Egg white
10g Butter(unsalted)
Vanilla extract

1. In a microwave safe bowl, siftingredients and combine well.
2. Add milk and stir with whipper well.
3. Add egg yolk, combine well. 
4. Heat it at 700w for 2minutes 30seconds without cover. Stir well, and add Egg white. Combine well. 
5. Heat it up at 700w for 1 minute 30 seconds without cover. Add butter and vanilla extract, combine well. It becomes like a dough.
6. Place it on the plastic wrap and cover with another plastic wrap. Roll it 18cm x 30cm, put it into the fridge.

Final Dough
300g Bread Flour (high grade flour)
5g Salt
30g Sugar
4g Dried Yeast
15g Butter (unsalted)
180g Water

Egg wash

1.  In the mixer or bread machine, combine the all dough ingredients except butter. Knead it 8 minute. Add butter, and knead it another 5 minutes, it can be stretched a paper thin“windowpane.

2. Transfer the dough to a covered container and proof it  at warm room temperature (30℃) for 1 hour, until it becomes double size.

3.  Pour the dough onto floured counter, then deflate it, knead briefly. And let it rest with cover, for 20 minutes.

4.  Folding custard sheet.

A. Roll the dough out 20cm x 45cm with rolling pin. Place the custard sheet on the dough.
B. Fold 1/3 right side and 1/3 left side. Seal it well.
C. Rotate it  90°.
D. Roll it out 20cm x 40cm.
Fold 1/3 right side and 1/3 left side.

Rotate it and repeat A - D again.

5. Wrap it and put it in the fridge for 20 minutes.

6. Shaping
On the floured counter, put the dough. Roll it out 20cm x 30cm.
Cut it into 10 pieces (3cm each). 

7. Twist the piece of  the dough. 

Place it on the baking tray. 

They are trying to twist back, press the edges with your finger tips on the tray.

8. Place them on the warm place for 30 - 40 minutes.
Meanwhile preheat oven at 190℃. Spray water before bake them.
Brush egg wash. 

9. Bake them at 180℃ for 10minutes and 170℃ for 10minutes, until they become golden brown. 

10. Cool them on the wire rack.

 It is placed at Yeastspotting

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Light Rye Loaf (20%)

Rye bread is one of my favorite. I have baked it so many times, and I got few recipes with rye on my blog. But, now, I realized that I didn't add the basic rye loaf recipe, here.

This is my rye bread recipe. It contains 20% of rye flour and 80% of white flour. I make rye flour starter from all rye. 

Rye flour is difficult to handle with water. Because it contains  a polysaccharides, called pentosan, which forms a glue - like substance once it is mixed with water. 
And it contains lower protein than wheat flour. It causes heavier and less proofing than wheat bread. 

I don't knead it much. At first, the dough is sticky. But proof it slowly and fold it twice. After that process, it is not sticky as before. 

So my rye bread is light rye, but volumey,  and it contains molasses and caraway seeds to make it dark caramel taste.  

Light Rye Loaves (20%)
Makes 3 loaves

180g Rye flour
180g Water 
1 table spoon of sourdough starter

Final dough
720g white bread flour
1 tea spoon of caraway  seeds(grounded)
14g salt
15g molasses
all rye starter
 390 - 420g water

Rye flour for sprinkle
1. The day before, in a container, combine rye flour, water and sourdough starter and stir. Set it 10 - 12 hours to ripen at room temperature.

2. In the mixer or bread machine, combine flour and caraway seeds, salt. Add molasses, sour dough starter and water. Mix it until it is well- combined. If the dough is too sticky, add more flour. 

3. Put it into the container, then proof it at room temperature (20℃). After 2hours, fold it. another 2 hours, fold it. Then proof it till it becomes bigger size (about 8 - 12 hours). 

4. Pour the dough onto floured counter, then deflate it, knead briefly. Dived it into 3, about 500g  each. preshape them into bolls.

5. Shape them into final loaf, make them  long oval shapes. Transfer them on the floured cloth and cover it softly with plastic wrap. Proof it at warm place (30 degrees) for 1 - 2hours.
6.  Preheat oven at 230℃ with the baking tray.

7. Take the baking tray out. Transfer the dough on the floured baking tray. Score slant line on the dough with a sharp knife. Spray water. Sprinkle rye flour on them.
8. Bake them at 220℃ with steam for 10minutes, 180℃ for 10minutes, 160℃ for 20minutes. Turn off fire and leave the loaf in the oven for 10minutes. 

9. Cool them down on the wired rack.

I placed it on Yeastspotting!