
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cream Pan (Custard Cream Buns)

Cream Pan is one of Japanese pastry bread, filled with custard cream. It is very popular in Japan. Rich sweet  dough and vanilla custard cream.

Its shape is something like glove traditionally. I arranged it, Dose it look better?

Custard cream sold at super market is too soft for filling. I made custard cream by myself. I added more flour and corn starch. When cream gets cold, it is easy to handle and fill in the dough.
The dough contains milk powder, egg and butter. Brush egg wash, make it golden color. But don't bake it too long. Otherwise it becomes over baked and cream is coming out.

Cream Pan (make 8)
Custard cream filling
2 Egg yolks
50g Sugar
200ml Milk
1 tea spoon of Vanilla beans
25g Butter
25g Flour
10g Cornstarch

1. Heat milk in a sauce pan.

2. In a bowl, whiten egg yolks, then  add sugar and flour, cornstarch. Add heated milk in the bowl gradually as string.
3. Filter the mixture, put it back to the sauce pan. Add vanilla beans (or extract)
4. Cook it over low heat string constantly.
5.Stir until thick constantly. Remove from fire,
6. Pour into another container, cool it down. Place it into the fridge.

250g High grade flour
3g Active dried yeast
50g Sugar
3g Salt
10g Milk powder
25g Egg
130cc Water
25g Butter

Egg + Milk = Egg wash

1. In a bowl, dissolve yeast in lukewarm water. Add egg.

2. In another large bowl, combine flour, sugar, salt and milk powder. Stir well to combine with mixture of yeast water. When the dough has pulled together, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes. Add softened butter into the dough, knead it until smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes.(Add more flour if it is too sticky.)

3. Put the dough into a bowl with cover, place it warm place (35℃) till it becomes double size, 1.5 - 2 hours.

4. Pour the dough onto the floured counter, then deflate it, knead it briefly, divide it into 8 pieces (60g). Make them rough ball, and set the dough with cover for 20minutes.

5. Punch the dough, make a round shape with a roll pin.

①Make a 14cm x 10cm oval with the rolling pin.
②Put 30g of ball preshaped custard cream on the dough. (about 1/3 upside) Cut the bottom side into 8 - 9 lines.

③Cover the filling and seal tightly. (Make sure to seal tight enough. Otherwise cream comes out when it is baking. )
④Then cover the other side nicely.

6. Place them into the warm place(35℃) for 45 - 50 minutes.
Meanwhile, preheat the oven at 210 ℃。Before bake, apply egg wash.

7. Bake them at 200℃ for 15 minutes, until golden brown.

8. Cool them down on a wire rack.


  1. Dear Makoto i just make this custard cream buns,they are delicios,yammii and all the good words that i can say! :-))))
    In the dough i just replace water whit single cream(i get the ideea from hokkaido bread loaf :-)))))))
    Have a good day!

  2. Makoto make for the fifth time this ones :-))) yammiii,my husband and neighbours like them to much :-)))
    Roxy (again) :-)))

  3. I made it today!! The bread is unbelievably soft and fluffy! Thank you so much for the recipe! Though I cheated by using custard powder to make the filling and added some rum too, it tasted incredible! ^~^//

  4. Thank you so much for the recipe! The bread is really soft and fluffy I can't believe it! I added some rum in the filling it tasted amazing ^~^

  5. Hi Makoto, just wanna ask if the flour is bread flour? Or just plain flour? I probably won't be able to find a high grade flour. Any recommended substitute?

    1. Hi.
      You can use bread flour for this recipe.
      High grade flour is exactly the same as bread flour in New Zealand.

  6. Hello, what is meant by whiten egg yolks? And the 130cc of water, is that meant to be ml? Thank you, I can't wait to make.
