
Friday, July 29, 2011

U.F.O Buns

Don't you think they look like UFO?
I call them UFO Buns.  Oh, well... they also look like hats.

In Japan,that is a big round loaf, which is a big loaf. But I made them small buns to eat easily and suitable for tea or coffee and breakfast.

It is coated with soft sweet cookie. The bun's dough inside is bit  sweet.
It is easy to make! At first, make cookie batter. Mix all cookie ingredients and place it in the fridge. It needs to chill before pipe it on the bun' s dough.
Cookie batter melt and spread over in the oven, so it becomes UFO shape.

UFO Buns (make 9)
Cookie Batter
50g Butter (melted)\
50g Sugar
1 Egg (beaten)
50g Plain flour (shifted)

250g High grade flour
25g Sugar
3g Salt
4g Instant dried yeast
160cc Milk (lukewarm)
20g Butter

1. In a bowl, combine egg and sugar with a whipper.  Add shifted flour, combine well. Add melted butter and combine well. Place it in the fridge at least 1hour.

2. Place flour, milk, yeast, sugar and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer. Mix for about 7 minutes. Add butter and mix for another 6minutes. The dough becomes very soft and extensible, elastic. It can be stretched a paper thin“windowpane” .
3. Transfer the dough to a covered container and ferment at warm room temperature (about 27℃) for 1.5 - 2 hours.

4. Pour the dough onto the floured counter, then deflate it, knead it briefly.  Divide it into 9, and make them rough balls. Set them 15 minutes with cover.

5. Reshape them into final balls.
6.  Place it into warm place with spray water, rise them for 40 - 50 minutes.

7.Preheat the oven at 200℃.
 Pipe out the cookie batter on the buns. Cover just 2/3. It melts and spreads over in the oven.

8. Bake them at 190 ℃ for 15 minutes till they become well Brown.
Photo shows the buns in the oven. you can see batter is melting and spreading over.

9. Cool them down on the wire rack.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Chocolate Spiral Rolls

I made chocolate layered rolls.
It looks Cinnamon rolls. But this is layered with chocolate sheet, folded with the dough like croissant. It is easy to make the sheet. I make double of amount, then I keep half in the freezer. It keeps well.
I want to try to make other caramel, coffee, strawberry, green tea.... It could be lots of variation!

The sheet contains only few amount of butter, so it is much easier to fold than croissant. It has to be cold before fold with dough. So make it at first, then keep it in the fridge.
The dough is quite rich. It contains egg, sugar and butter. It needs to knead well.
Chocolate Spiral Rolls
Chocolate Sheet
★15g High grade flour
★5g Corn starch
★10g Cocoa powder
★30g Sugar
60cc Milk
70g Dark Chocolate (chopped)
1 Egg white
10g Butter

1. In a microwave-saved bowl, sift ★ingredients and combine well.

2. Add milk and stir with whipper well.

3. Heat it by microwave for 1 minute at 700w.  Stir well. Add chocolate, combine together and melt chocolate.

4. Add egg white and combine well. (At first stage, it might be hard to combine. But just keep stir with whipper. it becomes like liquid.)
5. Heat it by microwave for 1 1/2 minutes at 700w.

6. Mix with spatula. It becomes a dough. If it didn't, heat it up more.
7. Place it on the plastic wrap and cover with another plastic wrap. Roll it 15cm x 20cm, put it into the fridge.

250g High grade flour
65g Plan flour
35g Egg(beaten)
175cc Water
3 Table spoon of Skim milk
30g Unsalted Butter(melted)
30g Sugar
1 Tea spoon of salt
4g Active dried yeast
1. Place flour, egg,water, milk powder, yeast, sugar and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer. Mix for about 7 minutes. Add butter and mix for another 6minutes. The dough becomes very soft and extensible, elastic. It can be stretched a paper thin“windowpane” .
2. Transfer the dough to a covered container and ferment at warm room temperature (about 27℃) for 1.5 - 2 hours.

3. Pour the dough onto the floured counter, then deflate it, knead it briefly.

A. Roll it out 30cm x 20cm . Place the chocolate sheet on the dough.
B. Fold the dough upside and down side, as trying not to put air in.

C. Turn the dough 90°. Roll it out 60cm wide.
D. Fold right and left side evenly, make 2cm space in the middle.

E. Fold it over, you will know why it needs 2cm space in the middle at photo D. Roll it out with the rolling pin, 28cm(X) x 47cm(Y).
F. Roll the dough. Apply water on the edge of the dough and seal it.

4. Cut the dough into 2.5cm slices. Cut off the edge at first. Place them onto a baking try (put baking sheet).

5. Place it into warm place with cover, rise them for 1 hour.

6. Meanwhile preheat the oven at 200℃.

7. Bake them at 190℃ for 20minutes till it becomes golden brown.
8. Cool them down on a wired rack.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Shaping Rolls

Here, I show you how to shape nice 3 kinds of rolls.  Small pieces of bread are versatile, you can make sandwich for breakfast and lunch, and you can serve them with dinner.

After 1st proofing, divide the dough into small pieces. Make them rough balls and set 15 - 20 minutes.

At first, how to make a basic cylinder before shape the dough.

1. Press the dough with your palm or rolling pin.
2 & 3. Fold down little by litte.
4. Roll and seal the edge.
5. Set them 15 minutes before shaping.

Knots Shape

1. At first, roll the basic cylinder dough into 20cm and wrap around.
2 & 3.  Push the tail A through the middle.
4. Put it on the baking try as hiding another tail underneath.

Double Knots Shape

1. Roll the basic cylinder into 28cm. Use left tumb and wrap around.
2 & 3. Push the tail through into the hole.
4. Put it on the baking try as hiding another tail underneath.

Knut Shape

1. Roll the basic cylinder into 20cm. Use left tumb and wrap around.
2 . Push the tail through into the hole.
3.  Fold the another tail. Push and seal with the tail(2).
4. Put it upside down on the baking try as shaping nicely.

And I got Butter roll recipe. You can find another roll shaping here→Butter Rolls

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Butter Rolls

I made Butter Rolls. It is contained rich butter and egg. Soft crumble and rich taste. It takes a few minutes to shape, so it is suitable for something special meals. In japan, we call it Butter rolls. I used to have them as sandwich for breakfast or lunch.

You can create other shapes as you want. I got recipe how to shape other rolls, here.

I made roll shape. I write down how to make roll shapes on the recipe.
It contains 15% of butter. So bake them for short time at high temperature. It makes soft texture and nice coler. Just be careful not to overbake.

Butter Rolls
50g High grade flour
50cc Water
1 tea spoon of sourdough

Final dough
180g High grade flour
5g Salt
35g Sugar
10g Skim milk powder
45g Egg
45g Non salted Butter (melted)
80g Water
Egg Wash
Egg + Milk

1. In a container, mix all the poolish ingredients until just combined. Cover the container and let the poolish ferment at room temperature for about 12 hours or overnight. The poolish is ready to use when the surface is creased, and pebbled with bubbles.
2. In a large bowl, mix final dough flour and salt, sugar, skim milk powder. Add sourdough starter and egg, water. Mix with your finger combine the ingredients till water and flour combined well.

3. Place the dough onto the floured counter, then knead it for 10 minutes. Add melted butter, knead it another 10 minutes till it becomes smooth and elastic. (At frst, it might be stiff. But after add butter, the dough becomes elastic.)

4. Put the dough into a container with cover, place it warm place (35℃) till it becomes double size (about 8-12hours). I set overnight.

5. Pour the dough onto floured counter, then deflate it, knead briefly. Divide into 50g each. Shape them into rough balls.

6.Set the dough with cover for 20 minutes.

7. Shape into the rolls.

①Deflate and make it round.
②Fold up and bottom side.
③Fold over and seal it.
④Roll one side and make it like photo⑤.

⑥Set them with cover for 5 minutes.

⑦Press the head side and stick it on the counter.
⑧As pulling the tail side, roll down with a rolling pin.
⑨Then roll up as hold the tail side.
⑩Roll and roll over, make it about 25cm tryangle.

⑪Fold the head side little.
⑫Roll down as pulling the tail side.
⑬Place them onto a baking try (put baking sheet). The tail have to be bottom.

8. Place it into warm place with cover, rise them for 1 hour or 1.5 hours.

9. Meanwhile preheat the oven at 230℃.

10. Brush egg wash and bake them at 220℃ for 10-15minutes till becomes well brown.

11. Cool them down on a wired rack.